Sunday, November 26, 2006

Kat Soto's web site

I've been working furiously all week to get this new website finished. The client, Kat Soto, adorned the windows at Shreve & Co. in San Francisco with her mannequins and the unveiling was the day after Thanksgiving. So the site had a strict deadline. I'm really happy with it, and so is Kat. She said it's like looking through a View Master. :-)
I created a set of backgrounds using William Morris patterns, layering them over each other, playing with the transparency and deconstructing them. The objects, trims, tools, and such are actually Kat's equipment. My husband took a bunch of photos and I painstakingly erased the background out.
Some of the objects on the page above were created from nothing...purely the board complete with screws, and the hang tags. All done in Photoshop.
Take a look...and view the galleries. Her work is incredible!


Anonymous said...

Great Web Site!

Charlene McNally said...

Thanks Pink!

Cheryl said...

beautiful website, Charlene. and the artist is very talented.

Charlene McNally said...

Thanks Cheryl! Next time you're in San Fran check out the Shreve & Co. windows.